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Docs: ApiGear Core

Project Management

The project command allows you to manage your projects. Projects are a collection of APIs stored in module files and solution file with desired generation configuration. You can create, list, add files for your projects.

Create a new project

To create a project use the create command.

apigear project create -d <project-name>

you can prefix a project name with a path in which you'd like your project to be created.

This command creates a folder with the apigear files in it:

  • module an example file type with the example interface description
  • solution a solution file used for generation configuration
  • simulation with example simulation for the example interface

Project info

Gives basic project information along with list of files in this project.

apigear project info <project>

Show recent projects

Lists all the recently used projects

apigear project recent

Edit project

Use the edit command to open all your project files in your default editor.

apigear project edit <project-name>

Open project in studio

To open project in studio use the open command.

apigear project open <project-name>

Project configuration

The project command stores the project configuration in the <project>/.apigear file. The configuration file contains the following information.

# .apigear
"folder": "apigear",

The folder property specifies the folder where the project configuration is stored. The default value is apigear.

Add a File

The add command allows you to create documents in the project

apigear project <document-type> <document-name>

The document will be created in the apigear folder of the current project. The document-type can be one of the following values: module, solution or scenario. To choose a project directory (by default it uses current directory) us -p your-path-to-project argument.

Pack a Project

The pack command allows you to pack a project. It will create an archive file containing all project documents.

apigear project pack -d <project-name>

Share a Project

The share command allows you to share a project. It will create an archive file containing all project documents and upload it to the ApiGear platform.

apigear project share <project-name>

This feature is currently not available and will be added in a future.

Import a Project

The import command allows you to import a project form a github repository.

apigear project import <source> -t <project-name>