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Docs: template-cpp14


This feature provides a client and a server adapter for your interfaces for the ObjectLink protocol. It allows you to connect different applications using the same or different technologies (check all of our templates).

Use an OLink client instead of your interface implementation to connect to a remote service, or to a the ApiGear simulation. Use an OLink server adapter to expose your interface implementation as a remote service.

Below you'll find short introduction on ApiGear ObjectLink protocol. Before details on client and server, you'll also find piece of information on a network layer implementation for handling ObjectLink in template-cpp.


The OLink client and the OLink server objects are ready-to-use as they are, they don't' need any extra implementation. If you want quickly start working with them go to use sections of client, server.

The ObjectLink protocol is a lightweight websocket based protocol for Objects described with an interface. It allows connecting a client object with a server object, and perform remote operations like: remote property change request (client) or notifications on property changed (server), inform about signal emission (server) and allows requesting a remote method call (client) and delivering a response to the caller (server).

The Olink feature for your interface uses a library ObjectLink core, common for cpp based templates. The provided CMakeLists already contain all the dependencies, so you don't have to add it manually.

The library provides an abstraction layer for handling the protocol, independent of the actual network stack. It encodes and decodes the messages and delivers them to corresponding objects identified by a registry. The setup is minimal: instantiate the registry (for client and/or server) and pass them to network layer objects in cpp apigear library


In this library we use STL classes in public interfaces. We assume that this library is built from source (configuration provided by generated CMakeLists). Otherwise, it has to be ensured that your build configuration matches the library build configuration.

File overview for module

With out example API

Hello World API (click to expand)
schema: apigear.module/1.0
version: "1.0.0"

- name: Hello
- { name: last, type: Message }
- name: say
- { name: msg, type: Message }
- { name: when, type: When }
type: int
- name: justSaid
- { name: msg, type: Message }
- name: When
- { name: Now, value: 0 }
- { name: Soon, value: 1 }
- { name: Never, value: 2 }
- name: Message
- { name: content, type: string }

the following file structure will be generated. The purpose and content of each file is explained below.

┣ 📂apigear
┃ ...
┣ 📂cpp_hello_world
┃ ┣ 📂apigear
┃ ┃ ┣ 📂mqtt
┃ ┃ ┣ 📂olink
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📂private
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜CMakeLists.txt
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜olinkconnection.cpp
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜olinkconnection.h
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜olinkhost.cpp
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜olinkhost.h
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ ... (helper files)
┃ ┃ ...
┃ ┣ 📂examples
┃ ┣ 📂modules
┃ ┃ ┗ 📂io_world
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📂generated
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ 📂olink
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜CMakeLists.txt
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜helloclient.cpp
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜helloclient.h
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜helloservice.cpp
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ 📜helloservice.h
┃ ┣ 📜 Lifecycle for olink client-server

You may notice an extra document: 📜Lifecycle for olink client-server which explains life cycle of main objects used when using an olink protocol, in a form of flow diagrams.

cpp ApiGear - The Network Layer

When generating the olink feature (or monitor feature) you'll get an additional folder at the top most directory: the 📂hello-world/cpp_hello_world/apigear. The 📂olink subfolder contains objects that implement a network layer (based on Poco library) for the ObjectLink protocol. Those are:

  • OlinkClient - the client, that serves your interface client adapters.

    The class is responsible for network connection for ObjectLink client side. It uses the ObjectLink core library for handling messages according to the ObjectLink protocol. Handles linking and unlinking with a remote service for the sink added by the user (the interface OlinkClient Adapters), with regard to the connection state. All the messages dedicated to your object will be delivered to the adapter and proper actions will be performed for the clients that use it, without any of your actions. Also the OlinkClient holds a message queue for messages during disconnected time.

  • OlinkHost and a helper class OlinkRemote that you'll find in 📂private subfolder

    The server, which hosts your services exposed to network through the interface server adapters. The class is responsible to set up the server and manage connections requested by clients. It uses ObjectLink core library for handling messages according to the ObjectLink protocol. All incoming messages will be translated to calls and routed to your local object.

Files 📜helloclient.h and 📜helloclient.cpp contain the olink client version of the Hello interface - an HelloClient class. It implements two interfaces: IHello and a IObjectSink.

IObjectSink (click to expand)
class IObjectSink {
virtual std::string olinkObjectName() = 0;
virtual void olinkOnSignal(const std::string& signalId, const nlohmann::json& args) = 0;
virtual void olinkOnPropertyChanged(const std::string& propertyId, const nlohmann::json& value) = 0;
virtual void olinkOnInit(const std::string& objectId, const nlohmann::json& props, IClientNode* node) = 0;
virtual void olinkOnRelease() = 0;

The IObjectSink interface comes from ObjectLink core and is necessary for handling incoming messages from the server side and is used by a OLinkClient (cpp Apigear Olink lib). Apart from setting up and tear down of the OLinkHello object, you don't need to perform any additional actions, the object OLinkHello will communicate with the server transparently and you should use it as an IHello Object only.


The property getters (here Message last() ) return immediately the locally stored last received value from server.

The property setter (here void setLast(const Message& last) ) requests setting a value on server side, local value is not changed.

You can subscribe to a property changed (here last property ) through the publisher you can get from the HelloClient with _getPublisher(). Or you can subscribe (instead of the above) for as an IHelloSubscriber to receive all changes (and signals). When the client receives information that server changed the property, a target property (here last) is updated locally and a notifies subscribers that property has changed.


The connected client has its local properties initialized - on a successful linking client with server the client receives a message with current state of properties of the service on server side.


The operations have an additionally async version, which is called by the immediate version. The async version sends an invoke operation request to a server.

So calling myOlinkHelloInstance.say(myWhen) implements execution of sayAsync and waits for the result (for non-void type of operations). Have in mind that this is a blocking operation.


You should not emit any signals from a client.

You can connect to any signals offered by your interface (here void justSaid(const Message& msg) ), through the publisher. You can either select the signal you're interested in, or subscribe as an IHelloSubscriber to get all the signals and property change notifications.

When a HelloClient client receives the message from server that indicates the signal was emitted it emits a signal (here justSaid).

Use HelloClient

As mentioned earlier you need a network layer, here provided by a ApiGear::ObjectLink::OLinkClient which also contains the protocol handling ClientNode. All you need to do is give it a global ApiGear::ObjectLink::ClientRegistry, request connecting to host when it is convenient for you and then add your HelloClient.

ApiGear::ObjectLink::ClientRegistry registry;
ApiGear::ObjectLink::OLinkClient client(registry);

// Create a global registry.
ApiGear::ObjectLink::ClientRegistry registry;
// Create a client and make a connection
ApiGear::PocoImpl::OlinkConnection client(registry);
// Create your client and request linking, which will try to connect with a server side for this object.
auto ioWorldHello = std::make_shared<IoWorld::olink::HelloClient>();


// You can try out properties
auto lastMessage = ioWorldHello->getLast();
// Executing the methods
ioWorldHello->say(lastMessage, IoWorld::WhenEnum::Soon);
IoWorld::Message someMessage("the new content");
// Or subscribe for signals.
ioWorldHello->_getPublisher().subscribeToJustSaid([](auto args) { /*handle the signal*/});

// remember to unlink your object if you won't use it anymore.

ApiGear::ObjectLink::ClientRegistry can have only one object with the same identifier. This means that, to have more than one OlinkHello objects you would need to put them in different registries. Each Object has an identifier which is created based on the Interface Name, this way client object can be matched with proper server object.

Files 📜helloservice.h and 📜helloservice.h contain the olink server adapter for the Hello interface - the HelloService class.

It implements an IObjectSource interface (from ObjectLink core), which wraps your Hello and exposes it for remote usage with the ObjectLink protocol. It handles all the network requests, and calls your local object.

When creating the HelloService you need to provide the local IHello service object, you want to expose to clients.

The IObjectSource interface:

IObjectSource (click to expand)
class  IObjectSource {
virtual std::string olinkObjectName() = 0;
virtual nlohmann::json olinkInvoke(const std::string& methodId, const nlohmann::json& args) = 0;
virtual void olinkSetProperty(const std::string& propertyId, const nlohmann::json& value) = 0;
virtual void olinkLinked(const std::string& objectId, IRemoteNode* node) = 0;
virtual void olinkUnlinked(const std::string& objectId) = 0;
virtual nlohmann::json olinkCollectProperties() = 0;

After setting up the OlinkHost (cpp Apigear Olink lib) and registering your Interface registered, the client connections and communication with them is handled transparently for you, no additional actions are needed.


All the received messages from the clients are handled in a thread in which the connection resides, this means that your object may be used from different threads (local and each connection).


Each time a property change signal (here void lastChanged(const Message& last) ) is emitted, a message is sent to all connected clients. The message contains the information, which property changed and the corresponding value. This may occur either when you change a property directly on your local Hello object, or when a change property request message is received by the HelloService, which applies the property on your local Hello object.


The remote operations invocation from the clients via the network will be performed on your local Hello object. The result of the operation (if any) will be returned only to the caller, not all clients. Have in mind that your object may be called from more that one thread.


All the signals emitted by your local Hello objects are forwarded to all connected clients with an olink messages.

Use OLinkHelloAdapter

As mentioned earlier you need a network layer, here provided by a ApiGear::ObjectLink::OLinkHost which also contains the protocol handling RemoteNodes. The ApiGear::ObjectLink::OLinkRemote objects are created automatically per connection. All you need to do is give a global ApiGear::ObjectLink::RemoteRegistry with your OLinkHelloAdapter in it to ApiGear::ObjectLink::OLinkHost.

ApiGear::ObjectLink::RemoteRegistry registry;
auto logFunction = [](auto /*level*/, auto /*msg*/){ };
ApiGear::PocoImpl::OLinkHost testserver(registry,logFunction);

auto ioWorldHello = std::make_shared<IoWorld::Hello>();
auto ioWorldOlinkHelloService = std::make_shared<IoWorld::olink::HelloService>(ioWorldHello, registry);
auto portNumber = 8000;

// Start your server with your service added to registry.

// use your ioWorldHello as it was Hello implementation, all property changes, and signals will be passed to connected OLink clients.
auto lastMessage = ioWorldHello->getLast();
ioWorldHello->say(lastMessage, IoWorld::WhenEnum::Soon);
IoWorld::Message someMessage("the new content");
ioWorldHello->setLast(someMessage); // after this call - if new property is different than current one - all clients will be informed about new value.

// remember to remove from registry if you won't use it anymore.


The simulation can be used to test, demonstrate or develop applications without the need to have the actual service available. The simulation server is integrated into the ApiGear studio and the CLI.

For simulating you will use simulation scenarios They allow to define sequences of actions. The actions can change the property values of the service or emit signals. The scenarios can be written using a YAML schema.

See more on simulation.

Prepare your application

Make sure you are using OlinkClient as your Hello object, an instance on cpp side

You may try our example, it subscribes for signals and property changes, with a simple logging function. Create new folder under examples directory. Paste the below main.cpp and CMakeLists.txt files. Remember to add this directory to main CMakeLists.txt (or to extend test_conan.bat/sh in case using conan).

main.cpp (click to expand)
#include <iostream>
#include "io_world/generated/olink/helloclient.h"
#include "apigear/olink/olinkconnection.h"
#include "apigear/tracer/tracer.h"
#include "apigear/olink/olinklogadapter.h"
#include "olink/clientregistry.h"
#include "olink/clientnode.h"
#include "apigear/olink/olinkconnection.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace HelloWorldExample;

int main() {
// Create a global registry.
ApiGear::ObjectLink::ClientRegistry registry;
// Create a client and make a connection
ApiGear::PocoImpl::OlinkConnection client(registry);
// Create your client and request linking, which will try to connect with a server side for this object.
auto ioWorldHello = std::make_shared<IoWorld::olink::HelloClient>();


// Or subscribe for signals.
ioWorldHello->_getPublisher().subscribeToJustSaid([](auto& /*args*/) { std::cout << "Just said received" << std::endl; });
ioWorldHello->_getPublisher().subscribeToLastChanged([](auto& /*args*/) { std::cout << "Last Changed" << std::endl; });

bool keepRunning = true;
std::string cmd;
do {
std::cout << "Enter command:" << std::endl;
getline(std::cin, cmd);

if (cmd == "quit") {
keepRunning = false;
} while (keepRunning);

return 0;
CMAkeLists.txt (click to expand)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)

# append local binary directory for conan packages to be found



# ensure maximum compiler support
target_compile_options(OLinkClientSimuExample PRIVATE -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Werror -fvisibility=hidden)
target_compile_options(OLinkClientSimuExample PRIVATE /W4 /WX /wd4251)
# disable the warning for getenv - needs better cross platform solution
target_compile_definitions(OLinkClientSimuExample PRIVATE -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS)

find_package(io_world QUIET COMPONENTS io_world-core io_world-implementation io_world-monitor io_world-olink)

install(TARGETS OLinkClientSimuExample

Make sure to configure the client to use the correct IP and port configuration of your simulation server e.g. set client.connectToHost(QUrl("ws://")); and make sure your apigear simulation also uses this port.

Prepare the scenario

As a starting point you can check our simulation scenario:

Scenario(click to expand)
schema: apigear.scenario/1.0
name: "first scenario"
version: "1.0.0"
#initial properties and setting gunction response
- name: #( module and interface Hello combination)
last: {content: "Initial"}
- name: say
- $return: { value: 88 }
# sequence of changing properties and emitting signals
- name: play with hello
interval: 2000 # 2 seconds
loops: 3
steps: # step is called every 2 secs according to interval
- name: change property
- $set: { last: {content: "First Change of Property"} }
- name: emit signal
- $signal: { justSaid: [ {content: "First Message"} ] }
- name: change property AND emit signal
- $set: { last: {content: "Second Change of Property"} }
- $signal: { justSaid: [ {content: "Other Signal"} ] }

Apart from the header with the scenario name and its version it consists of two parts:

  • initialization

    for each interface (here, our line 6), we're setting initial values of properties(line 8) and the return value of function calls (line 12)

  • sequence of events

    You can prepare more than one sequence. For each of them set interval between calling each action (line 16), set how many runs of that sequence you want to execute (line 18) and name the interface the action should be applied to (line 17). In each action you may change many properties, and emit signals.

Run the simulation

Put your scenario file in the 📂hello-world/apigear along with other .yaml files.

If you are using the studio, reload your project. Go to settings and make sure to set same the port as in your client app (here 8182). Click the play button in the application in the simulation tab to start the simulation scenario, then start the client application.

Instead of the ApiGear Studio application can also use its console version, run your scenario with command:

apigear simulate run path-from-cli-to-scenario/helloworldtest.scenario.yaml --addr :8182

We tried some measurements for the OLink performance. You may want to check the our tests here. We're not providing any data of throughput and latency, as the branch is still in between alpha phase.

In general we expect it to be fast as it has small overhead (which may be not sufficient for you).