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Docs: ApiGear Core

Filter Reference

Template Filters

String filters are used inside templates to transform text in different formats.

A typical usage would use the filter name followed by a string reference to the value to be transformed. For example:

{{ snake .Module.Name }}

Where . is the current context and .Module is the module object from the current context and .Name is the name property of the module object. The context can change for example inside a range loop.

{{ range .Module.Interfaces }}
{{ snake .Name }}
{{ end }}

Where the current context if the interface object inside the range loop.

String Filter

The list of the common string filters are listed here

snake, Snake, SNAKE

Converts a string to snake case - (lower, title, upper) case with underscores

  {{snake "org.demo"}} => org_demo
{{Snake "org.demo"}} => Org_Demo
{{SNAKE "org.demo"}} => ORG_DEMO

camel, Camel, CAMEL

Converts a string to camel case - (lower, title, upper) case with first letter lower case

{{camel "org.demo"}} => orgDemo
{{Camel "org.demo"}} => OrgDemo
{{CAMEL "org.demo"}} => ORGDEMO

dot, Dot, DOT

Converts a string to dot case - (lower, title, upper) case with dots

{{dot "org.demo"}} => org.demo
{{Dot "org.demo"}} => Org.Demo
{{DOT "org.demo"}} => ORG.DEMO

kebap, Kebap, KEBAP

Converts a string to kebap case - (lower, title, upper) case with dashes

{{kebap "org.demo"}} => org-demo
{{Kebap "org.demo"}} => Org-Demo
{{KEBAP "org.demo"}} => ORG-DEMO

path, Path, PATH

Converts a string to path case - (lower, title, upper) case with slashes

{{path "org.demo"}} => org/demo
{{Path "org.demo"}} => Org/Demo
{{PATH "org.demo"}} => ORG/DEMO


Converts a string to lower case

{{lower "org.demo"}} => org.demo


Converts a string to upper case

{{upper "org.demo"}} => ORG.DEMO


Converts the first letter of a string to upper case

{{upper1 "org.demo"}} => Org.demo


Converts the first letter of a string to lower case

{{lower1 "org.demo"}} => org.demo

first, First, FIRST

Returns the first character of a string as lower, unchanged, upper case

{{first "org.demo"}} => o
{{First "org.demo"}} => o
{{FIRST "org.demo"}} => O


joins a list of strings with a separator

{{join .Module.Interfaces ", "}} => org.demo.Interface1, org.demo.Interface2


Trims a prefix from a string

{{trimPrefix "org.demo" "org."}} => demo


Trims a suffix from a string

{{trimSuffix "org.demo" ".demo"}} => org


Replaces a string with another string

{{replace "org.demo" "org" "com"}} => com.demo

int2word, Int2Word, INT2WORD

Converts an integer to words (lower, title and upper case)

{{int2word 1}} => one
{{Int2Word 1}} => One
{{INT2WORD 1}} => ONE


pluralizes a string

{{plural "org.demo"}} => org.demos


prints a new line



extracts major, minor, build version from a version string

{{$v := version "1.2.3"}}
{{$v}} => 1.2.3
{{$v.Major}} => 1
{{$v.Minor}} => 2
{{$v.Build}} => 3

Language Filters

All programming languages share a common set of filters which then are adapted to the specifics of the language. These are return, param, params, vars, names and the default filter.

For example for the C++ programming language you would use the return and params filter named cpp14Return and cpp14Params during operation declaration.

A typical usage could look like this:

{{ range .Operations }}
{{ cppReturn "" .Return }} {{ camel .Name }}({{ cppParams "" .Params }});
{{ end }}

Here the cppReturn and cppParams are the language specific filters for the C++ programming language. The "" is the a prefix applied to the return type and the parameters. This is used to add a namespace to the return type and the parameters. All language specific filters have the same signature.


We might offer a "2" version of a language filter in the future (e.g. cppReturn and cppReturn2) where the second version will support the prefix syntax.

These are the common filters for all languages


Takes and typed element and returns the type declaration of the type

{{ range .Module.Interfaces }}
{{ range .Operations }}
{{ cppReturn "" .Return }} {{ camel .Name }}({{ cppParams "" .Params }});
{{ end }}
{{ end }}


Takes a typed element and returns the function parameter declaration

{{ range .Module.Interfaces }}
{{ range .Operations }}
{{ cppReturn "" .Return }} {{ camel .Name }}(
{{ range $i, $p := .Params }}
{{ if $i }}, {{ end }}
{{ cppParam "" $p }}
{{ end }});
{{ end }}
{{ end }}


Takes an operation and return the lists of function parameters

{{ range .Module.Interfaces }}
{{ range .Operations }}
{{ cppReturn "" .Return }} {{ camel .Name }}({{ cppParams "" .Params }});
{{ end }}
{{ end }}


Takes a typed element and returns default value

{{ range .Module.Interfaces }}
{{ $class := .Name }}
{{ range .Operations }}
{{ cppReturn "" .Return }} {{$class}}::{{ camel .Name }}({{ cppParams "" .Params }}) {
return {{ cppDefault "" .Return }};
{{ end }}
{{ end }}


Takes a list of types and creates variable names for them

{{ cppVars "" .Properties }}


Takes a typed element and creates a variable name for it

{{ cppVar "" .Property }}


Takes a typed element and returns the type declaration of the type

{{ cppType "" .Property }}

C++14 Filters

  • cppReturn: takes a typed element and returns the type declaration of the type
  • cppParam: takes a typed element and returns the function parameter declaration
  • cppParams: takes an operation and return the lists of function parameters
  • cppDefault: takes a typed element and returns default value
  • cppVars: takes a list of types and creates variable names for them
  • cppVar: takes a typed element and creates a variable name for it
  • cppType: takes a typed element and returns the type declaration of the type
  • cppConstType: takes a typed element and returns the type declaration of the type with const qualifier
  • cppNs: takes a symbol and returns the namespace declaration
  • cppNsOpen: takes a symbol and returns the namespace opening
  • cppNsClose: takes a symbol and returns the namespace closing
  • cppGpl: takes a symbol and returns the GPL license header

Go Filters

  • goReturn: takes a typed element and returns the type declaration of the type
  • goParam: takes a typed element and returns the function parameter declaration
  • goParams: takes an operation and return the lists of function parameters
  • goDefault: takes a typed element and returns default value
  • goVars: takes a list of types and creates variable names for them
  • goVar: takes a typed element and creates a variable name for it
  • goType: takes a typed element and returns the type declaration of the type

TypeScript Filters

  • tsReturn: takes a typed element and returns the type declaration of the type
  • tsParam: takes a typed element and returns the function parameter declaration
  • tsParams: takes an operation and return the lists of function parameters
  • tsDefault: takes a typed element and returns default value
  • tsVars: takes a list of types and creates variable names for them
  • tsVar: takes a typed element and creates a variable name for it
  • tsType: takes a typed element and returns the type declaration of the type

QtC++ Filters

  • qtReturn: takes a typed element and returns the type declaration of the type
  • qtParam: takes a typed element and returns the function parameter declaration
  • qtParams: takes an operation and return the lists of function parameters
  • qtDefault: takes a typed element and returns default value
  • qtVars: takes a list of types and creates variable names for them
  • qtVar: takes a typed element and creates a variable name for it
  • qtType: takes a typed element and returns the type declaration of the type

Python Filters

  • pyReturn: takes a typed element and returns the type declaration of the type
  • pyParam: takes a typed element and returns the function parameter declaration
  • pyParams: takes an operation and return the lists of function parameters
  • pyDefault: takes a typed element and returns default value
  • pyVars: takes a list of types and creates variable names for them
  • pyVar: takes a typed element and creates a variable name for it
  • pyType: takes a typed element and returns the type declaration of the type

Unreal Engine Filters

  • ueReturn: takes a typed element and returns the type declaration of the type
  • ueParam: takes a typed element and returns the function parameter declaration
  • ueParams: takes an operation and return the lists of function parameters
  • ueDefault: takes a typed element and returns default value
  • ueVars: takes a list of types and creates variable names for them
  • ueVar: takes a typed element and creates a variable name for it
  • ueType: takes a typed element and returns the type declaration of the type
  • ueConstType: takes a typed element and returns the type declaration of the type with const qualifier