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Docs: ApiGear Core

Symbol Reference

When developing technology templates it is vital to understand what each symbol traversing has to offer on properties. ObjectAPI is structured based on the idea of modules, interfaces, structures and enumerations.

And an interface contains properties, operations and signals and structures contain fields and enumerations contain members.

type System struct {
Name string
Modules []Module

type Module struct {
Name string
Interfaces []Interface
Structures []Structure
Enumerations []Enumeration

type Interface struct {
Name string
Properties []TypedElement
Operations []Operation
Signals []Signal

type TypedElement struct {
Name string
Type Type

type Operation struct {
Name string
Params []TypedElement
Return Type

type Signal struct {
Name string
Params []TypedElement

type Structure struct {
Name string
Fields []TypedElement

type Enumeration struct {
Name string
Members []ValueElement

type ValueElement struct {
Name string
Value string

Each symbol you can iterate over is either element or an element with additional type information.

Named Element

Named element is the base element for all symbols. It contains the following properties:

  • Name: string
    • name of the element
  • Description: string
    • test to describe the element
  • Meta: object
    • free form data, evaluated by the technology template
  • Kind: string
    • one of [module, interface, struct, enum, property, operation, signal]

Typed Element

Typed element is a named element with additional properties for typing

  • Type type information
    • one of [bool, int, float, string] or reference to interface, struct, enum
  • Array: true if the type is an array
  • IsPrimitive: primitive type
    • type is one of [bool, int, float, string]
  • IsSymbol: is reference to type
    • type is one of struct, enum, interface
  • IsPrimitiveArray: array with items of primitive type
  • IsSymbolArray: array with item of reference to type
  • IsArray: true if the type is an array


The module is an element with additional version and an information object. Additional it contains a list of interfaces, structures and enumerations

All information from the element plus

  • Version: string
  • Info: information object
  • Interfaces: array of interface elements
  • Structs: array of struct elements
  • Enums: array of enum elements


The information object allows customers to provide additional information about the API.

  • Title: string
  • Description: string
  • TermsOfService: string
  • Contact: is an object consisting of name, url and email
  • License: is an object containing of name and url


The interface is an container element for properties, operations and signals.

All information from the element plus

  • Properties: array of property elements
  • Operations: array of operation elements
  • Signals: array of signal elements


Property is a typed element.

All information from the typed element.


Operation is a named element with an additional list of typed parameters. The return element defines the return type.

All information from the typed element plus

  • Params: array of typed elements
  • Return: type information


Signal is a typed element and has the same signature as operation, besides the return type information is ignored.

All information from the typed element plus

  • Params: array of typed elements


Structure is an element and act as a container for fields.

All information from the element, plus

  • Fields: array of typed elements


Field is a typed element.

All information from the typed element


Enumeration is an element and act as a container for members.

All information from the element, plus

  • Members: array of member


Member is a element with an additional value.

All information from the named element, plus

  • Value: the value of the member